Spiritual Care

Our Mission

From our founding by Lutheran Pastor William A. Passavant in 1865, Spiritual Care has been an integral part of Wartburg care. In the early days, we cared for orphaned children. Now we provide spiritual support to people of all faiths in the latter stages of life.

Our Spiritual Care is centered in the beautiful and historic Wartburg Chapel in Westchester, NY. Each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. and on major religious festivals, the members of the United Lutheran Church of Mount Vernon gather with residents of the entire Wartburg community for worship. Our “Worship on Wheels” volunteers assist in transporting residents in wheelchairs to and from the chapel so that they can fully participate in the community’s worship.

Come and See What Wartburg Has to Offer! 

The mission of our Spiritual Care is to provide spiritual comfort and support to all those we serve, including residents’ families, regardless of religious beliefs or faith tradition. We also seek to provide spiritual support to our staff. Our Spiritual Care includes:
  • Service of Holy Communion is offered Sundays in our historic Wartburg Chapel. The service is telecast to all residents.
  • Roman Catholic Holy Communion is offered weekly. Eucharistic ministers provide communion for rehab patients and others needing special attention
  • Observance of major Christian and Jewish holy days.
  • Assisting residents and their families in making ethical and moral decisions.
  • Rituals and spiritual care at the end of life.
  • Funerals and memorial services.
  • Columbarium in the Wartburg Chapel.

We believe that quality of life includes the spiritual dimension and that healing is enhanced by hope and a sense of purpose and meaning. We strive to help people find hope in the midst of crisis and loss. We are here to help when:

  • You feel scared, lonely, or anxious.
  • Someone close to you is dying or has died.
  • You are asking God, “Why?”
  • You want someone to join you in prayer.
  • You want to receive sacraments, a blessing, or another ritual.
  • You’ve heard some bad news.
  • You want to celebrate.
  • You feel discouraged.
  • You are struggling with the meaning of your life or of your illness.

Wartburg Spiritual Care Department

The Spiritual Care department is available to help you with your pastoral needs. Our director of spiritual care is the Reverend Kimberli Lile, an ordained Lutheran pastor and Board-Certified Chaplain. She is joined in mission by Mr. James Pfister, Cantor, Organist, and Chapel Associate; Father Paul Fagan, of the Passionists; chaplaincy interns; and spiritual care volunteers who visit and transport residents and others who provide administrative support for the department.

For a tour of our historic chapel or to meet our Spiritual Care team, please call 1-855-WARTBURG (927-8287) or contact us for more information. Click here to learn more about United Lutheran Church at Wartburg

Wartburg is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and recognized by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS).

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